Does the game look blurry, ugly and slow? With these adjustments that I will give you, you will significantly improve this great PS2 game
Credits: Codes Hacked By Maori-Jigglypuff [Savas Guercebe]
- Enhance Game Sharpness
- disable Fog Effect
- Disable Blur-Effect
- Disable local Blur-Effects
- Disable global Blur-Effects
- No black Borders
- No Body Shadow of Characters and Ghosts on the Ground
- Disable Beam of Light
- Disable Noise Filter, Film Tear Effects
- Create clean Window for Outlook
- Enhance Characters and Ghosts real Body Light,
- // constant Adjust Characters In-Depth Filter
- // and disable their additional true Colours
Download The Best Settings for Silent Hill 4: The Room
These settings are beneficial for PC or Android with low resources. With AetherSX2 and PCSX2 emulators. Play without lag right now.
How to install the improvements in Aether SX2 and PCSX2
- Our game must be Mandatorily USA version. SLUS-20873 CRC: 3919136D
- Move the downloaded file to the following path: PCSX2 Root/ Cheats/ Paste the file here.
- Go to Emulator settings and go to the Emulation/Enable Cheats section, activate it.
- You can watch the video if you don’t know how to do it.
For AetherSX2 and PCSX2 Watch the Video: